Singing to the Basalt, 2021


8:45 am

9:30 am

Artists: Kuini Scott, Rachel Blackburn, ISO 12, Motoko Kikkawa, Calla Knudson, and Charlotte Parallel
Director of Photography: Iain Frengley
Camera operator: Alex Lovell-Smith
Editor: Iain Frengley 
Press release:

Singing to the basalt is our reply to an invitation from Art Islands Tokyo, so we also call, Te Wai Pounamu South Island to Izu Oshima, Koputai Port Chalmers to Habu Minato, Kamau Taurua to Mt MIhara-yama and from us to Art Islands and the peoples of Izu Oshima.

Travelling around Kamau Taurua, singing to the basalt will also be a sonic call and response to the island; as an ancient volcano, to the ocean and it’s currents, to its past, present and future, and to all that is sustained by Kamau Taurua. 

Rowers: Matthew Ward, Francis O’Neill, Chris Wratislav
Cinematographer: Iain Frengley. Camera 2: Alex Lovell-Smith
Volunteers: Alice McKenzie, Katie Molloy
Generously supported by the Dunedin City Council Arts Grants
Special thanks for all your help (we couldn’t have done it without you!);
The Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community, especially members Jimmy Fyfe & Kuini Scott and keepers Meghan and Gareth Hughes.
Elise Allen with the TS Nimrod Sea Cadets
John and his boat The Vivienne J
Our sponsor; Taste Nature for sustaining our volunteers- thank you!
Our loves for their ongoing support


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